More Auto Body Shops Getting Paid to Research OEM Repair Procedures

toronto auto body shop

A small but growing percentage of shops report being paid an administrative fee for researching OEM information, according to the most recently released data from the “Who Pays for What?” surveys conducted by Collision Advice and CRASH Network.

In the fall 2017 survey, 11 percent of shops said the eight largest auto insurers are paying them an administrative fee “always” or “most of the time” for researching OEM procedures.

This was up from 7 percent in the same survey a year earlier, and up from just 6 percent in the 2015 survey.

Even taking the surveys’ margin of error into account, the uptick indicates some growth in the percentage of shops being paid such a fee when they conduct the research and include the fee on an invoice.

The percentage of shops saying they have never billed an administrative fee for OEM research also has declined from about 76 percent in 2015 to about 70 percent in the latest survey.

Mike Anderson, founder of Collision Advice, said that even apart from subscription fees, there are real costs associated with researching information.

See the full article here:

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